Sound and conservative investment options for accredited foreign investors.
As Cuba Admits Failure, Venezuela Continues Its Economic Death Spiral
The pain in the eyes of the Venezuelans I see these days is more palpable and more real than the concern across their faces as early as last fall, when I began visiting clients in Caracas and discussing the EB-5 immigrant investor "just in case" Plan B option. While there has been a ...
Jose E. Latour Sep 14, 2010
Venezuela’s Land Redistribution is Taking a Very Human Toll
As Chavez continues to eviscerate the Venezuelan economy through corruption and mismanagement, the expropriation of private lands has remained somewhat on the back burner in terms of topics of discussion between my clients and me. While I have had more than one client whose farms have been sto...
Jose E. Latour Sep 10, 2010
Mexico’s Drug Wars Making My Phone Ring
When I was a young Vice Consul in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, it was hardly paradise. Juarez was a big, booming desert town characterized by endless maquiladora factories, blistering heat, and a vast income gap between the very rich who lived behind guard entrances in plush mansions and the v...
Jose E. Latour Aug 21, 2010
Obama Socks it to U.S. H-1B and L Visa Employers
Justwhen I think I’m starting to figure out this very bright man for whom I votedas President, another dumb move from the Obama White House. Last week, he signed into law a so-called “borderenforcement” bill which I had assumed was part and parcel of the ongoingresponse to what Arizona started...
Jose E. Latour Aug 18, 2010
The Dynamics of U.S. Birthright
Immigration is the topic du jour yet again today and I wanted to share some thoughts. This morning's Miami Herald blasts several Republicans who are proposing the elimination of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which grants U.S. citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. Mea...
Jose E. Latour Aug 12, 2010
Et tu, Bill? Florida’s Politicking Attorney General McCollum Switch Hits on Immigration
Apparently there is an epidemic of constitutional amnesia/shameless pandering affecting state Attorneys General throughout the country. As I told you last week, first it was Virginia State Attorney Cuccinelli opining that local law enforcement officerscan arrest those they suspect of committin...
Jose E. Latour Aug 11, 2010
Although the Dream Act, which will offer legal status to some 700,000 foreign-born illegal aliens who entered the U.S. Before the age of 16, remains a dream, an unofficial policy change has apparently been keeping ICE from deporting those who would qualify. Check out the New York Times article: http...
Jose E. Latour Aug 08, 2010
Newly Discovered Press Coverage…about US!
Melissa and I worked, along with other immigration attorneys with whom we worked, spent some time at the University of Miami teaching law students how to prepare Haitian TPS forms; it was in the aftermath of the earthquake and UM's law school was scrambling to do what they could to help those a...
Jose E. Latour Jul 29, 2010
When the earthquake hit Haiti, the world responded...and the U.S. responded admirably, in many ways. The efforts to help the injured and save lives has focused on the South Florida community. After so many years of disparate treatment between Cuban and Haitian refugees, it has been encou...
Jose E. Latour Jul 12, 2010
As I sat at the opening session of the American ImmigrationLawyers Association (AILA) National Convention on Thursday morning, I felt arekindling of the fire I felt when I began immigration practice. David Leopold, AILA’s newly-installedpresident, spoke eloquently about our responsibilities as...
Jose E. Latour Jul 05, 2010
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Suite 206, Miami, FL 33137